Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Miss Cranky Pants

It's official: I am a cranky pants. I am drawn to blogs and books written by cranky middle aged women about how other people annoy them to no end. Then I get mad because I could have written them, if I had time and were organized and capable of finishing a project. To wit: http://open.salon.com/blog/joan_h/2010/02/08/the_old_lady_in_apt_202, a lovely rant about noisy and inconsiderate college students (yeah, yeah, I was once a noisy and inconsiderate college student, but that I was like, 500 years ago and now my 15-year-old listening to music in his room bugs the bejeezus out of me even with the door closed). Or this -- http://theharperstudio.com/authorsandbooks/lisa_kogan/the-book/someone-will-be-with-you-shortly/ -- Lisa Kogan's collection of vintage O Magazine pieces and new tirades about the indignities of growing older (no one says "No way are you [fill in the age you currently are]; you look at least ten years younger!"), people who clip their nails in public elevators, the decline of civility (and with it, Western Civilization) and other assorted horrors and affronts which become more and more appalling as we become older and more decrepit.

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